
Boys Who...........

#1. Boys who don't try to make you jealous.
#2. Boys with a good sense of humor.
#3. Boys who don't smoke.
#4. Boys who arent afraid to act silly with you.
#5. Boys that smell good.
#6. Boys who hold your hand without asking.
#7. Boys who hook arms with you while they play games.
#8. Boys who stay on the phone with you all night until one of you falls asleep first.
#9. Boys who call you instead of texting.
#10. Boys who kiss you on the cheek, nose or forehead.
#11. Boys who play guitar.
#12. Boys who know how to treat a girl with respect.
#13. Boys who tell you how they feel first.
#14. Boys who actually mean it when they tell you they love you.
#15. Boys who chase you when you leave.
#16. Boys who hug you tightly and don't let go.
#17. Boys who call you beautiful instead of hot or sexy.
#18. Boys who you can trust with anything.
#19. Boys who are way taller than you.
#20. Boys who remember small details about you.
#21. Boys who you can never stay mad at, because every time you look at them you can't help but smile.
#22. Boys who are athletic.
#23. Boys who don't flirt with every single girl.
#24. Boys who watch Disney movies with you, cuddling in blankets.
#25. Boys who give you piggy back rides.
#26. Boys who aren't afraid to act like themselves infront of you.
#27. Boys who don't take forever to reply to your text messages.
#28. Boys who keep their promises.
#29. Boys who aren't afraid to show affection in public.
#30. Boys who don't try to change you.
#31. Boys who text you first.
#32. Boys who would rather hang out with you than his friends.
#33. Boys who hug and kiss you by surprise.
#34. Boys who actually listen to what you have to say.
#35. Boys who surprise you with flowers just because they like you.
#36. Boys who have a smile that makes you smile.
#37. Boys who are awkward, but it makes them even cuter.
#38. Boys who sit outsite watching the stars with you while holding hands.
#39. Boys who kiss you in the middle of your sentence when you're in an argument.
#40. Boys who you catch staring/smiling at you.
#41. Boys who let you fall asleep in their arms.
#42. Boys who wouldn't want to change one thing about you, except for your last name.
#43. Boys who make jokes and look back at you to see if you're laughing.
#44. Boys who try their best to make you smile when you're upset.
#45. Boys who actually tell you how they feel about you instead of keeping it bottled up.
#46. Boys who aren't players.
#47. Boys who aren't afraid to be themselves, no matter who's around.
#48. Boys who try to talk things out calmly instead of starting a fight.
#49. Boys who aren't afraid to say, "I love you" in public or around their friends.
#50. Boys who respect your religious beliefs.
#51. Boys who get a little bit jealous when you hang out with other guys.
#52. Boys who refuses to hang up the phone at night to spend a little time with you, even though they're tired.
#53. Boys who make pinky promises with you.
#54. Boys who are intelligent.
#55. Boys who don't take forever to text back.
#56. Boys who prove to you that they're different and love you for you, no matter what.
#57. Boys who tell you their secrets.
#58. Boys who are patient.
#59. Boys who you can talk to you for hours without getting bored.
#60. Boys who text you saying they miss you.
#61. Boys who hold your sides and look into your eyes while having a conversation.
#62. Boys who tell you whats on their mind.
#63. Boys who make you feel safe.
#64. Boys who open to you about their feelings.
#65. Boys who make you forget that you've ever had a broken heart.
#66. Boys who hold your hand without asking.
#67. Boys who leave you cute texts to wake up to.
#68. Boys who casually put their arms around you.
#69. Boys who listen to what you have to say, not because they have to, but because they care.
#70. Boys who can see the pain behind a fake smile, and fix it.
#71. Boys who talk about everything and anything with you.
#72. Boys who want to play monopoly and plants vs zombies with you.

Sweet. Perfect. Impossible.